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Shrink Film


Our RS Regular Shrink is a 5 Layer polyolefin shrink film. The RS is our entry level shrink film but has the versatility to perform on semi auto and full auto applications while being able to nearly wrap anything. The RS Regular Shrink has great seal strength & high burnout resistance, while exhibiting great transparency and gloss.

Our S Regular Shrink can be used in multipack applications, odd shaped products, confectionary or any product that needs a dust cover or protection during the shipping process.

Features & Benefits:

  • Outstanding Optics

  • Versatile & High Cohesion Strength

  • Great Seals with minimal Dog Ears

  • Excellent shrink memory

  • Outstanding tear and puncture resistance

Applications & Options:

• Can be used with semi-automatic & high speed machinery (preferably used on preferred

packaging equipment)

• Available in either single wound (RS-s) or center-folded RS-c)

• Reperforation available upon request

Shrink Film


Our S Regular Shrink complies with U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requirements under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act as amended. Our RS Reqular Shrink complies with FDA regulation 21 CF 177.1520 - Olefin polymers, allowing use for articles that con- tact food, except for articles used for packaging or holding food during cooking.


Our S is a recyclable material that meets the requirements of SPI Recycle Code "4" and can be included in the LDPE recycle stream.

Ideal storage temperatures below 32 Celsius/ 90 Fahrenheit. Prolonged exposure to temperatures above 32 Celsius may cause premature shrinkage and difficulty unwinding the film.


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Shrink Film


Our X is a multilayer, crosslinked, polyolefin shrink film. It is soft enough to wrap products that easily distort, but tough enough to package incongruous shaped items. Our X has prop. erties that'll protect heat-sensitive products. Applications include printed and converted paper products, items packed in light weight trays and boxes, and softer products. The high shrink in our X allows the packaging of odd shaped items, and produces the best clarity and retail ready appearance.

Our X goes through a cross-linking process that increases the tensile strength and durabil- ity, while also providing durable and seamless seals as well high puncture resistance. That means wrapping packages in our X results in better protection for your product and more versatility in the application it can be used with.

Features & Benefits:

  • Tough

  • High Free Shrink

  • Versatile & Flexible

  • Superior Optics

  • High Puncture Resistance

Applications & Options:
•Versatile & User friendly and can be used on Shanklin, Texwrap, Conflex, Arpac & Preferred
Packaging Equipment (Semi Automatic & High Speed
• Available in either single wound (Xs) or center-folded Xc)
• Reperforation available upon request

Shrink Film


Our X Cross Linked Shrink Film comply with U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) re- quirements under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act as amended. Our X Cross Linked Shrink Film complies with FDA regulation 21 CF 177.1520 - Olefin polymers, allowing use for articles that contact food, except for articles used for packaging or holding food during cooking.


Our X is a recyclable material that meets the requirements of SPI Recycle Code"4" and can be included in the LDPE recycle stream.

Ideal storage temperatures below 32 Celsius/ 90 Fahrenheit. Prolonged exposure to temperatures above 32 Celsius may cause premature shrinkage and difficulty unwinding the film.


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Shrink Film


Our HPS High Performance Low Shrink film is a 5 Layer polyolefin shrink film. The HPS is the happy medium between our RS and X film. It has the versatility to be used on both semi automatic & high speed applications. Works great with delicate products and heat sensitive products because it shrinks well under lower temperatures and is delicate enough not to distort the product. Gentle yet balanced shrink is what you can expect when using our HPS Low Shrink.

Features & Benefits:

  • Low Temperatures and less energy with high shrinkage

  • Hot Slip after Shrinkage

  • Great Clarity & Gloss

  • Corrosion free and deposit free seals

Applications & Options:

  • Can be used with semi-automatic & high speed machinery (preferably used on Preferred

  • Packaging equipment)

  • Available in either single wound (HPS-s) or center-folded HPS-c)

  • Reperforation available upon request

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Our S Regular Shrink complies with U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requirements under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act as amended. Our RS Reqular Shrink complies with FDA regulation 21 CF 177.1520 - Olefin polymers, allowing use for articles that con- tact food, except for articles used for packaging or holding food during cooking.


Our S is a recyclable material that meets the requirements of SPI Recycle Code "4" and can be included in the LDPE recycle stream.

Ideal storage temperatures below 32 Celsius/ 90 Fahrenheit. Prolonged exposure to temperatures above 32 Celsius may cause premature shrinkage and difficulty unwinding the film.


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Custom Shrink Film Inquiry Request Form

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We look forward to working with you, a sales associate will contact you within 24-48hrs after completing this questionnaire.

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